
domingo, 12 de agosto de 2012

Nigeria: Eletricitarios ameacam entrar em greve contra gerenciamento inadequado de fundo de pensao (via @labourstart - em ingles)

"The National Union of Electricity Employees (NUEE) on Saturday threatened to go strike over alleged mismanagement of the N331 billion superannuation fund.

Joseph Ishaya, the North West Zonal Coordinator of NUEE, conveyed the threat in Kaduna, saying that the N331 billion, which was allegedly mismanaged, was from the superannuation fund, contributed for the workers by the management of PHCN.

Ishaya said that the money, which represented 25 per cent of the workers' consolidated salary, was supposed to be used for the payment of the workers' retirement benefits.

He said that NUEE members had been receiving 75 per cent of their consolidated salary since they started working, while the remaining 25 per cent was paid into the superannuation fund.

Ishaya described the manner in which PHCN workers were being treated ``as inhuman''.

``The 2004 Pension Reform Act says that workers' welfare and benefits must be negotiated to a conclusion before an organisation's privatisation. Its like the government wants to sweep that aspect under the carpet. Our fear is that we don't know PENCOM. The agreement we signed stipulates that government should pay the workers off to enable the new companies to do whatever they want,'' he said.

Ishaya urged the Federal Government to pay the workers' terminal benefits ``because the union does not know Pension Commission (PENCOM)''.

He reiterated that the NUEE might be forced to go on strike if that was the only language which the government could understand.

Ishaya warned that the strike would be a ``complete, stay-at-home strike because of the security situation in the state''.

He, therefore, urged the government to take a decisive action on the issues raised by the union so as to avoid a disruption of electricity supply."

Extraido de http://www.businessdayonline.com/NG/index.php/power/42672-electricity-workers-threaten-strike-over-funds-mismanagement

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